Discover How Green Your Business Is – Take Our Sustainability Quiz ? Quiz Questions and Answers Take Chamberlain's sustainability quiz to find out how green your business is and get personalized tips to improve your environmental impact. 1 / 11 1. Do you publish a sustainability report or include sustainability metrics in your annual report? A) Yes, annually B) Yes, but not annually C) No, but planning to start D) No, not currently E) I don't know 2 / 11 2. Do you have a rewarding system and/or awareness campaign to encourage employees to use low carbon options for commuting? A) Yes, we have both a rewarding system and conduct awareness campaigns regularly. B) Yes, we have experience of conducting awareness campaigns, but do not have a rewarding system in place. C) No, but we are eager to conduct an awareness campaign. D) No, but we are eager to evaluate both options for our company. E) I don't know 3 / 11 3. Do you have programs in place to engage employees in sustainability efforts (e.g., training, green teams)? A) Yes, with active participation B) Yes, but participation is limited C) No, but planning to start D) No, not currently E) I don't know 4 / 11 4. Do you prioritise suppliers that have sustainable practices (e.g., eco-friendly materials, ethical labor)? A) Yes, always B) Yes, whenever possible C) No, but considering D) No, not currently E) I don't know 5 / 11 5. What measures have you implemented to reduce your carbon emissions? A) Switching to renewable energy B) Improving energy efficiency C) Offsetting emissions D) Other (with a text box for details) E) No measures currently F) I don't know 6 / 11 6. Have you calculated your business's carbon footprint in the last year? A) Yes, with third-party verification B) Yes, internally calculated C) No, but planning to D) No, not currently E) I don't know 7 / 11 7. What percentage of your waste is diverted from landfills through recycling or composting? A) 0-25% B) 26-50% C) 51-75% D) 76-100% E) I don't know 8 / 11 8. Do you use water-efficient fixtures and equipment in your operations? A) No, not at all B) No, but considering C) Yes, but not everywhere D) Yes, extensively E) I don't know 9 / 11 9. What percentage of your facility's water usage is recycled or reused? A) 0% B) Less than 10% C) Between 10% and 25% D) More than 25% E) I am not sure 10 / 11 10. Do you regularly conduct energy audits to identify inefficiencies? A) No, not currently B) No, but planning to start C) Yes, but not frequently D) Yes, annually E) I don't know 11 / 11 11. What percentage of your facility’s energy consumption comes from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind, heat pump, etc.)? A) 0% B) Less than 10% C) Between 10% and 25% D) More than 25% E) I am not sure Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz