Discover How Green Your Business Is – Take Our Sustainability Quiz

Quiz Questions and Answers

Take Chamberlain's sustainability quiz to find out how green your business is and get personalized tips to improve your environmental impact.

1 / 11

1.  Do you publish a sustainability report or include sustainability metrics in your annual report?

2 / 11

2. Do you have a rewarding system and/or awareness campaign to encourage employees to use low carbon options for commuting?

3 / 11

3. Do you have programs in place to engage employees in sustainability efforts (e.g., training, green teams)?

4 / 11

4. Do you prioritise suppliers that have sustainable practices (e.g., eco-friendly materials, ethical labor)?

5 / 11

5. What measures have you implemented to reduce your carbon emissions?

6 / 11

6. Have you calculated your business's carbon footprint in the last year?

7 / 11

7. What percentage of your waste is diverted from landfills through recycling or composting?

8 / 11

8. Do you use water-efficient fixtures and equipment in your operations?

9 / 11

9. What percentage of your facility's water usage is recycled or reused?

10 / 11

10. Do you regularly conduct energy audits to identify inefficiencies?

11 / 11

11. What percentage of your facility’s energy consumption comes from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind, heat pump, etc.)?

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The average score is 0%
